Written by our founder Lianne Grootings Ritzen in October 2019.
Unfortunately, Lianne Passed away on the 3rd of march 2020 due to the concequences of metastatic breast cancer. She was a positivity ambassador full of energy and the founder of this foundation. Lianne will always inspire and sparkle up your mind.
At college girls used to say; “Lianne she is always happy. That’s not possible.”
Yes! It is possible! My always positive mindset has been a great help during my life, especially in my current health situation.
After studying Hotel Management in Maastricht, I started working for the luxury hotel Sofitel in Beijing China. I said yes to 11 years of working and living together with my soulmate Paul. I used to receive Heads of States like Sheikh al Maktoum, the Sultan of Brunei, drinking cocktails with at that time Prime Minister Balkenende and receiving His Royal Highness King Willem Alexander and Princess Maxima twice.
When my husband Paul was in charge of the Netherlands Pavilion during the World Expo in Shanghai in 2010, he hired me to be in charge of the VIP & hospitality department with 40 employees.
I was unstoppable. Okay, maybe for just a little while being pregnant with Oscar (2012). We both knew we wanted to become parents early, for our children to also experience other cultures and living abroad. Both our fathers died at a young age, so we don’t postpone anything in life, never.

by: Hanneke Post
Take a look in Lianne’s life on Instagram.
You can take a look on Lianne’s life on Instagram. With her uplifting posts and stories, living with cancer herself since 2015, her goal was to inspire other cancer patients and of course healthy people. She was convinced everyone is living with obstacles in their life, it depends on you how you deal with these obstacles. Lianne’s focus always was on positivity and staying strong with an open-minded mindset. Her words; “Live life the max and sparkle up your mind!”