15 January, Lianne’s birthday is now Happy títí day!
15 January – Happy títí day!
Sparkle Up Your Mind keeps Lianne’s legacy alive. We keep spreading the message to stay positive in difficult times.
15 January is Lianne’s birthday. Last year she celebrated like there was no tomorrow. This year we celebrate the gift that is tomorrow.
From now on, 15 January is happy títí day.
We ask the over a 100 people who already bought the T-shirt to post a picture of them wearing it with pride and help spread the message! Keep Lianne’s spirit alive ✨?❤️
100% of profits of the happy títí T-shirt goes via Sparkle Up Your Mind foundation to research on metastatic breastcancer.
Order the T-shirt via our website or the webshop of @just_to_cheer_you_up
#happytitiday #happytitidag #sparkleupyourmind #justtocheeryouup #breastcancer #metastaticbreastcancer #borstkanker #uitgezaaideborstkanker